This blog focuses on my scholarship in my five research projects: learning assistance and equity programs, student peer study group programs, learning technologies, Universal Design for Learning, and history simulations. And occasional observations about life.

Instructional Tech, iPad David Arendale Instructional Tech, iPad David Arendale

2013 David Arendale Guide to iPad Apps


I have updated my annotated directory of Apple iPad apps for personal and professional use. It is available by clicking on the following link, Apple iPads Apps

This directory identifies more than 300 apps I personally use for personal use and in my history classrooms at the University of Minnesota. With more than 750,000+ apps currently available, it is focused on free apps when possible. I most often use the Apple iPad as a media consumption device rather than a generator of media. In my history class we use the iPad apps to search for global news events, display PDF readings, and access social media created by students in the classroom such as History Music Videos through Animoto and Then and Now, the audio podcast for our global history and culture course.

Best wishes with your exploration of the iPad for personal and school use. Please send me comments.

Take care, David Arendale

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2012 OADE Conference Keynote Talk Resources


I have taught history courses for over three decades. It has been a long journey to provide a better learning environment for my students. Universal Learning Design allows me to embed best practices of learning assistance and developmental education inside my classroom. I am responsible for doing my part to support student success rather than just sending students down the hall and across the campus to locate tutoring or study group programs.

It is a delight to share some resources related to my online keynote talk I shared Friday morning. The following items are available to download.

Click on this link for PowerPoint slide handout of the presentation.

Click on this link to download ULD book edited by Higbee and Goff

Click on this link to download Pedagogy and student services for institutional transformation: Implementation guidebook for student development programs and services.

Click on this like to download Pedagogy and student services for institutional transformation: Implemenation guidebook for faculty members.

Take care,


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2012 MRADE Conference Keynote Talk

Greetings everyone,

Link to the PowerPoint slide handout from the talk.

Link to a directory and web links to online learning technology resources handout from the talk.

It was certainly fun to share with all of you today. Thanks for being my home team.

Take care,


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