This blog focuses on my scholarship in my five research projects: learning assistance and equity programs, student peer study group programs, learning technologies, Universal Design for Learning, and history simulations. And occasional observations about life.

David Arendale David Arendale

Sydnie Christmas, 2024, Britain’s Got Talent

What an extraordinary performance by a gifted singer and person. This video contains her singing “Tomorrow” for a preliminary competition and “My Way” for the finals. She was recognized as the grand champion of the competition for the year. When the news is depressing and I am having a bad day, I listen to her authentic personality, gifted voices, and the lyrics of “Tomorrow” to remind me to never give up. It is recommended to have a box of tissues nearby when listening to her sing. What a gift from God.

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David Arendale David Arendale

Unexpected Performances by Average People

I am not much for network television. Too often I have missed tremendous performances by average people who would likely be overlooked by others. I have enjoyed these individuals who performed on either Britain’s Got Talent or America’s Got Talent. These individuals have taught me to not underestimate the beauty that often lies hidden within others. Enjoy these performances by extraordinary people.

Susan Boyle on Britain’s Got Talent in 2009.

She sings “I have a dream” from Les Misérables (a favorite of mine). Check out her biography on Wikipedia and the musical career that followed this break-out performance.

Richard Goodall on America’s Got Talent in 2024.

He sings “Don’t stop believin” by Journey. Check and see if he has a Wikipedia page yet to share his humble story.

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David Arendale David Arendale

Older Elizabeth Zharoff Reacts to Her Own Younger Voice

I have featured several episodes of Elizabeth’s YouTube sensation,, The Charismatic Voice. She has always reacted to other music bands and performers. This time, we have the privilege to hear Elizabeth reaction to her own voice singing opera. As you probably know, she is an internationally-known opera singer. Sit back and enjoy.

Snippet of the Younger Elizabeth Zharoff singing Martern aller Arten.

This is a snippet of the opera performance that Elizabeth reacted to in the YouTube video above. Notice Queen Elizabeth at the very end giving her hearty approval of this performance.

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David Arendale David Arendale

Lyrics for "Freewill" by the Progressive Rock Band, "RUSH" Lessons for Life

I am waiting for Elizabeth Zharoff of the Charismatic Voice podcast to do a vocal analysis of the song “Freewill” by the progressive rock band RUSH. But I wanted to share the lyrics with you.

There are several reasons why I like the band RUSH so much. One of them is the lyrics are thoughtful and provocative. I do not always agree with their viewpoint, since they are often inspired by Any Rand and other philosophers. However, they often stimulate to think more deeply about what I do believe.

This song has a wonderful line in it, “ If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choic. You can choose from phantom fears, and kindness that can kill. I will choose a path that's clear, I will choose free will”

I can’t expect every lyric from a song to line up with my interpretation of the Bible. However, I think how the lyrics in this song can inspire us to not be passive actors on the stage of life. Rather, we have free will to act and make choices that are better for us and those around us. Enjoy the lyrics to the song. I think there is a positive message. However, I am not waiting for the choir to sing this in church this weekend. :-)

There are those who think that

Life has nothing left to chance

A host of holy horrors

To direct our aimless dance

A planet of playthings

We dance on the strings

Of powers we cannot perceive

The stars aren't aligned

Or the gods are malign

Blame is better to give than receive

You can choose a ready guide in some celestial voice

If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice

You can choose from phantom fears, and kindness that can kill

I will choose a path that's clear, I will choose free will

There are those who think that

They've been dealt a losing hand

The cards were stacked against them

They weren't born in Lotus land

All preordained

A prisoner in chains

A victim of venomous fate

Kicked in the face

You can pray for a place

In heaven's unearthly estate

You can choose a ready guide in some celestial voice

If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice

You can choose from phantom fears, and kindness that can kill

I will choose a path that's clear, I will choose free will

Each of us, a cell of awareness

Imperfect and incomplete

Genetic blends

With uncertain ends

On a fortune hunt that's far too fleet

You can choose a ready guide in some celestial voice

If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice

You can choose from phantom fears, and kindness that can kill

I will choose a path that's clear, I will choose free will

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David Arendale David Arendale

Red Robin Has Recovered!

My roommate, Red Robin, has recovered from his serious infection. He is now eating as normal, full of more energy, and just as enjoyable as ever.

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David Arendale David Arendale

Vocal Analysis of "The Spirit of Radio" by the Progressive Rock Band, RUSH

Elizabeth Zharoff provides a vocal and musical analysis of “The Spirit of Radio” by the progressive rock band, RUSH. This was actually her first of the four RUSH songs that she analyzed. The sheer joy, surprise, and deep analysis she provides with all four of these four RUSH songs are PERFECT. Yes, there are a couple of imperfections or song lyrics she misses. But remember, while she studied the lyrics ahead of time, she has not seen the performances ahead of time. She really reacts to them. You can see there are no jump cuts or heavy editing. The slight, very slight imperfections are testaments to the authenticity of what she is doing. Check out her website,

“The Spirit of Radio” by RUSH from YouTube

I resonate with this song so much. When I was little, I listened to the local rock stations in Kansas City, MO. At night, I would secretly listen to an alternative rock program broadcast from Little Rock, AR. The following is from Wikipedia. Beaker Street with Clyde Clifford was the first underground music program broadcast regularly on a commercial AM radio station in the central US. The station's signal carried far and wide. In early 1967 Beaker Street was a staple for adherents to the burgeoning underground communities in the upper Mid-West especially in Des Moines, Iowa, where it was the only access to Dr. Demento and Firesign Theatre. Beaker Street began on Little Rock, Arkansas 50,000 watt AM radio station KAAY late in 1966 and ran through 1972. The show's original announcer, Clyde Clifford, moved to FM in 1974 as the rise in popularity of FM radio began to impact the operations of many AM stations. Beaker Street pre-dated the FM radio boom of the mid-1970s and foretold the rise of album-oriented Rock and Classic rock formats.

Maybe this love of radio led me to be a radio station DJ while attending Emporia State University. The radio transmitters only carried the signal through the residence halls, but we were spinning albums and having a great time. Following is the music video that Elizabeth reacted to for her joyous episode. Notice the homage to the RUSH drummer at the end of the video. He died of brain cancer. As did his wife. RIP. Also, notice the names of important historical figures who helped invent radio and the progressive DJs who boldly supported RUSH and other progressive artists when other radio stations shunned them.

Here is the Animated Version of The Spirit of Radio.

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David Arendale David Arendale

Vocal Analysis of "Tom Sawyer" by the Progressive Rock Band, RUSH

Elizabeth Zharoff takes us on another adventure by analyzing the song “Tom Sawyer” by the progressive rock band RUSH. It is a fascinating reimagining of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain. Needless to say, the journey is a little different. Enjoy the ride. Check out her website with links to all her social media channels:

The Original Video “Tom Sawyer” from YouTube

This is the video that Elizabeth reacted to for her musical analysis.

“South Park” video that introduced the RUSH “Tom Sawyer” at some concerts

Lyrics to “Tom Sawyer”

A modern-day warrior

Mean, mean stride

Today's Tom Sawyer

Mean, mean pride

Though his mind is not for rent

Don't put him down as arrogant

His reserve a quiet defense

Riding out the day's events

The river

What you say about his company

Is what you say about society

Catch the mist

Catch the myth

Catch the mystery

Catch the drift

The world is, the world is

Love and life are deep

Maybe as his skies are wide

Today's Tom Sawyer, he gets high on you

And the space he invades, he gets by on you

No, his mind is not for rent

To any god or government

Always hopeful, yet discontent

He knows changes aren't permanent

But change is

And what you say about his company

Is what you say about society

Catch the witness

Catch the wit

Catch the spirit

Catch the spit

The world is, the world is

Love and life are deep

Maybe as his eyes are wide

Exit the warrior

Today's Tom Sawyer

He gets high on you

And the energy you trade

He gets right on to

The friction of the day

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