This blog focuses on my scholarship in my five research projects: learning assistance and equity programs, student peer study group programs, learning technologies, Universal Design for Learning, and history simulations. And occasional observations about life.

Creation, Conflict, and Survival: Life Lessons from a TRIO Program

“Creation, Conflict, and Survival” is a history story from several equity programs at the University of Minnesota that you might find useful. The co-authors are Bruce and Sharyn Schelske who directed a set of equity programs for over four decades that served historically-underrepresented and disadvantaged students. The story begins with the history of the Integrated Learning Course they created. The IL Course helped their students learn and practice learning strategies applied to a paired content course such as American History. In many ways, it operated as a mandatory SI-PASS-PAL program. But much more. Part two of the article is an extensive set of generic lessons from leading the IL course that could be used with any education program, not just the ones they led. My favorite is “Build your ark before the rain starts.” These life lessons are priceless.

You can download the article at The original article that provides more description of the IL course and research studies that supported its effectiveness is available at

Best wishes to the start of another academic term.

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MAEOPP Center 2015 Best Education Practices Directory

MAEOPP Center 2015 Best Education Practices Directory

<Click here to download PDF>

Copyright ©2015 by Mid-America Association of Educational Opportunity Program Personnel (MAEOPP) and the University of Minnesota by its College of Education and Human Development, Department of Postsecondary Teaching and Learning, Minneapolis, MN.

MAEOPP is pleased to release the 2015 directory of peer-reviewed education practices approved by the MAEOPP Center for Best Education Practices.  Each practice has undergone a rigorous external review process.  This directory contains those approved at the promising and validated levels.  Readers can use this publication as a guide for implementing the evidence-based education strategies contained within it.  Detailed information about the education practice purposes, educational theories that guide the practice, curriculum outlines, resources needed for implementation, evaluation process, and contact information are  provided by the submitters of the practice who have practical experience implementing it. Consider using them with current programs and in grant submissions that require evidence-based practices to improve student success.

The thirteen practices approved thus far by the MAEOPP Center represent each of the five major TRIO grant programs: Educational Talent Search, Upward Bound, Educational Opportunity Centers, Student Support Services, and Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Programs.  One practice is from a GEAR UP program.  For readers unfamiliar with TRIO programs, a short history is provided.  While the education practices come from TRIO and GEAR UP programs, they could be adapted for use with nearly any student academic support and student development program.  These programs are incubators of best practices to serve the needs of historically underrepresented students and the general student population as well.

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Best Practices, TRIO, TRIO Upward Bound David Arendale Best Practices, TRIO, TRIO Upward Bound David Arendale

Best Education Practice: Structured Study Hall Days at College Campus by UB Students

Structured Study Hall Days at College Campus by UB Students.  Wichita State University (KS)  (approved Promising Practice10/20/13)  The Communication Upward Bound’s (CUB) model supports high school student success through a variety of carefully coordinated activities.  One of them is “Study Hall Days”, a structured study hall hosted on the Wichita State University campus when public school classes are not in session.  Most high school students remain at home or only come to the school for athletic team practices when school officials have in-service days for staff development or professional meetings.  Research studies document the adverse effects this interruption on their learning.  The CUB model of Study Hall Days creates an activity-rich learning environment for them.  Several activities include:  (1) use of supplemental curriculum materials to deepen understanding of current topics in their classes including use of the ComFit Online Learning Center, (2) private tutorial sessions with CUB tutors and staff members, (3) practice on time management and metacognitive skills to strengthen their development as autonomous learners and proficiency with self-directed learning, (4) attendance of college classes related to their future academic majors, (5) interactions with college faculty members and students, and (6) preparing for college entrance and course placement assessments.  These activities groom participants to higher success in high school and college.  [Click on this link to download this best education practice.]

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Best Education Practice: Planning Effective College Tours for High School Students

Planning Effective College Tours for High School Students Wichita State University (KS) (approved Promising Practice 9/25/13)  Taken from the abstract:  "Conducting college campus visits for aspiring postsecondary students is a common practice for many high school-to-college bridge programs.  The approach taken by the Communications Upward Bound (CUB) program at Wichita State University has developed an effective means to make this process highly efficient and effective for its’ students.  Rather than accepting the standard campus visit program by the host college that all visiting colleges experience, the CUB programs works collaboratively with the institution to customize the experience based on the needs and interests of the students.  This approach has increased student interest and engagement in comparison to previous years when the campus visits were not differentiated and customized." [Click on this web link to download the education practice.]

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Best Education Practice: Academic Advising Management System

Academic Advising Management System, Wichita State University (KS). (approved Promising Practice 10/11/13). From the abstract: "One service that the Wichita State University (WSU) Upward Bound Math Science (UBMS) Program provides in support of its mission is academic advising.A key practice with the WSU approach is the data collection and management of information essential for effective advising of the students. This information includes students’ progress towards completion of their required curriculum and enrollment pattern in math and science courses. It is also used for strategic planning purposes by the UBMS program personnel for whom the information helps inform study group formation, tutoring needs and summer course design. While Upward Bound programs commonly provide academic advising services to its students, the WSU approach is more comprehensive and includes additional stakeholders. [Click on this link to download the education practice.]

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Best Education Practice: Podcasting Academic and Career Counseling for Post 9/11 Veterans

Podcasting Academic and Career Counseling for Post 9/11 Veterans.  Wichita State Unviersity (KS)  (approved Promising Practice 10/15/13)  Adding audio podcasting to the Upward Bound Veterans program allows our students to listen to important information when and where they want.  Podcasting is a simple way to provide information through the human voice some students prefer rather than reading a handout.  Listening to audio and video podcasts has rapidly grown recently due to widespread ownership of iPods, smartphones, and desk/laptop computers.  Podcasting can be as simple or complex as you want.  The most important element is the quality of information and its direct relevancy to the listeners.  [Click on this web link to download the education practice.]  

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