We Connect Now, Website for Issues Related to College Students with Disabilities

Our Mission – We Connect Now is dedicated to uniting people interested in rights and issues affecting people with disabilities, with particular emphasis on college students and access to higher education and employment issues. [Click on this web link to access the We Connect Now web site.]

One of the goals of this site is to help college students with disabilities to succeed in their studies by getting the information and support they need, both through resources, links, blogs latest news, studying existing laws and regulation and through personal contacts. Through this website people can also share and read other people’s stories as a source of support and comfort. We also want people using our webpage to take action by writing blogs, hosting an event or becoming involved in politics by knowing about upcoming legislation.  Also, every month our webpage will focus on a particular disability or condition to bring our visitors more information and support related to our focus of the month. Through our jobs section, we also hope to help empower people with disabilities find employment through job posting and job searching tips, and  if people have any questions we encourage them to contact us. The goal of this site is that people leave it having gained knowledge, a support system and having taken action. We were founded in 2008.

David Arendale

At the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, David Arendale served as an Associate Professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction with the University of Minnesota and Manager for the Educational Opportunity Association Best Practices Clearinghouse. While he became an emeritus faculty member in May 2019, he continues his writing, research, public service, and public speaking. Arendale is devoting more time to use of social media such as websites, YouTube channels, podcasting, and Twitter to communicate in addition to publishing in print and on-line open access journals


Collaborating TRIO Student Support Services and Other College Support Programs


Saving Developmental Education - Huffington Post Online