Models of Preparing Students for College

Cunningham, A., Redmond, C., & Merisotis, J. (2003). Investing early: Intervention programs in selected U.S. states. Montreal, Canada: The Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation. Retrieved July 4, 2004, from More attention is placed on earlier academic preparation programs for potential college students. Rather than focusing on high school juniors and seniors, the research clearly suggests reaching into middle school to begin the preparation and transition process for college, especially those students who would be first-generation college or from historically-underrepresented backgrounds.
This study focused on 17 pre-college intervention programs offered in 12 states that are targeted for middle-school or high-school students. Effective programs had the following characteristics: they were comprehensive involving multiple areas (college awareness, financial aid counseling, academic enrichment, financial incentives); academic development (tutoring, mentoring, coursework) were important components; linkage with area postsecondary institutions. One of the biggest problems cited among the programs was that many eligible students did not participate in the programs for a variety of personal reasons and also that the programs limited their size due to budget constraints.