Unclear National Trends Concerning Developmental Education

Boylan, H. R., Saxon, D. P., & Boylan, H. M. (2002). State policies on remediation at public colleges and universities. Unpublished manuscript, National Center for Developmental Education, Appalachian State University, Boone, NC. Retrieved July 4, 2004, from: http://www.ced.appstate.edu/centers/ncde/reserve%20reading/state%20 Policies.htm This is probably the most comprehensive and accurate national survey of current policies regarding access education and developmental education. It illustrates how mixed the state policies are across the U.S. regarding opportunities for students.
The authors conduced a survey of higher education officials of all 50 states. States where developmental courses are restricted at state two and four-year institutions: California, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Missouri, New York, New Mexico, Texas, Utah, Washington, and Wisconsin. States where developmental courses are restricted to only two-year institutions: Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Montana, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia. Other survey results include regulations concerning mandatory testing and placement, impact upon financial aid, type of academic credit awarded, and state efforts to reduce the need for developmental education coursework by changes with high school curriculum.