Extensive data on web sites. Visually displays top social networks, retail sites, classmates sites, etc. Quickly reduces the data to visual representation.
More people are accessing the web from their mobile devices: iPads, smartphones, etc. Special web sites must be adapted to be simpler and easier to read/navigate on the smaller screens. Recent statistic, 20 percent of daily Facebook posters do about half of their web surfing via their smartphones.
The Education Commission of the States released a policy framework on how States can develop comprehensive policies for increasing the college success of students who require remedial education.
Web 2.0 apps in various categories: blogging, photo sharing, surveying, chat, etc.
Create, manage, and publish your learning assets in a variety of ways: social widgets, mobile devices, iPhone, desktop widget and more.
Application allows a person to bookmark an image on the web and then share the URL of just the image with anyone else.
Professor describes use of Facebook in higher education.
Google Voice: New Web Bookmarks for 2010-06-09
Extensive instructions and examples for using Google Voice including teachers managing access for students within their classes and other groups of callers.
New Internet Bookmarks for 2010-05-13
Facebook | iPhone Animoto Videos Add Animoto music videos to your Facebook page. (tags: Animoto Facebook iPhone music_video software_utilitiy software_applications)
Prezi - The zooming presentation editor Prezi allows more movement within presentations. Mix in video clips and other media along with slides. Basic package is free with additional fees for more benefits. (tags: Prezi presentation_software software_utilitiy)
Good overview of social bookmarking and what it has to offer.
National College Access Network Facebook Page The mission of NCAN is to build, strengthen, and empower communities committed to college access and success so that all students, especially those under-represented in postsecondary education, can achieve their educational dreams.
Two web 2.0 gurus in higher education share their favorite tools that offer the most impact on instruction. All are easily accessible software tools with a low technology threshold, making them generally easy on tight IT or departmental budgets and personnel resources. While web 2.0 and social software tools are not always freeware and may require some investment of IT or help desk staff time, many have free or low-cost versions. Still, the main benefits of these tools include the ability to connect easily with students and share information widely via common web 2.0 interfaces. (tags: social_media web_2.0 instructional_technology apps)
Nationwide, about a third of first-year students in 2007-08 had taken at least one remedial course, according to the U.S. Department of Education. At public two-year colleges, that number rises to about 42%. Education observers worry that the vast numbers of students coming to college unprepared will pose a major roadblock to President Barack Obama's goal for the United States to once again lead the world in college degrees. (tags: learning_assistance,_de,_access developmental_level_courses)
Pearson Social Media Survey 2010 Excellent survey of nearly 10,000 indicates widespread use and diversity of use. (tags: social_media postsecondary_education Surveys_&_Codes)
Political reform in the Middle East This report seeks to influence the process of democratic transition by providing an index that allows advocates of democracy in the Arab world to monitor the evolution of this process. It could also serve as an important advocacy learning tool for citizens who wish to hold leaders to account and participate in decision making. (tags: history_related Middle_East democracy)
New Internet Bookmarks for 2010-05-06
Technar the Bloginator: Instructional Technology Blog Postings The site aggregates all the blog postings in the past 30 days concerning instructional technology at the University of Minnesota. (tags: instructional_technology social_media UMN)
cedar@umn Guide to Tech Resources Searchable database of resources related to instructional technology created by the Instructional Technology Fellows of the College of Education and Human Development at the University of Minnesota. (tags: instructional_technology social_media database UMN)
New Internet Bookmarks for 2010-05-04
12 Major Foundations Commit $506M to Education Innovation in Concxert with USDOE $650M “Invesitng in Innovation I3 Fund Leveraging their assets along with the $650M of USDOE, more than $1 billion devoted to K-12 innovation to scale up effective practices and build capacity to adopt nationally. (tags: grants best_practices innovation scale-up capacity_building)
FIPSE'S Freefall from Innovative Leaders Continues - Inside Higher Ed FIPSE, a historic identifies of promising and validated best practices, continues to have its role eroded by legislative earmarks, under funding, and diminished support. (tags: FIPSE dissemination best_practices grants)
Teacher Professional Development Sourcebook: The Online Option Promising models for online professional development opportunities for teachers, especially those that are place-bound. (tags: social_media Prof._Development_&_Resources Online_community)
Sites Mimicking Social Networks Set Up for (Instructional) Staff Development Online learning communities models for professional development of teachers. While the examples in the article focus on K-12 education, this could be very helpful for postsecondary education, especially for reaching the growing number of adjunct instructors who have neither the time or institutional financial support to attend conferences, workshops, and other professional development events. (tags: social_media Prof._Development_&_Resources virtual_learning_communities)
New Web Bookmarks for 2010-04-20
Gates delivered the closing speech at the 90th Annual American Association of Community Colleges Convention in Seattle, and called traditional remedial programs “an afterthought” on most campuses. These low-quality programs that are supposed to help students catch up academically are actually the biggest obstacles students must overcome in their pursuit of a college degree, she said. “Community colleges led the way on college access, now they must lead the way on college completion,” said Gates. “Research shows that improving remediation is the single most important thing community colleges can do to increase the number of students who graduate with a certificate or a degree.”
The former high school math teacher and Netflix Founder/CEO plans to use the company to teach math using computer games, simulations, and pedagogy more effectively. He believes that Netbooks and like technology will be so inexpensive that the hardware will be everywhere.
Recently the preferred standard for evaluation design by USDOE has been randomized experimental design. The commentator of this article argues that other forms of evaluation should be considered to ensure that best practices are not missed due to a narrow definition of what counts for evidence.
New Web Bookmarks for 2010-04-16
Create, deliver and monetize online courses with Odijoo
Some students are deciding not to complete a college degree since the credential is not needed (nor the tuition debt) to obtain the job they want. Students are seeking other places to develop the skills they need for work.
I’m Rey Junco, a college professor and researcher who studies how social media use affects college students. I’m particularly interested in using quantitative methods to assess the effects of social media on student development, engagement, and success. Social Media in Higher Education is a place where I’ll blog about the research I’m conducting and provide commentary on using technology in educationally-relevant ways.
Recent research has shown that social media use is correlated with indices of student engagement. While a relationship exists, no research has been conducted to elucidate the causal connection, if any, between engagement in social media spaces and engagement in the real world. This talk will outline an experimental study, currently underway, that assesses whether first-year college students’ use of Twitter affects student engagement and success.