10 Reasons You’re Not Getting Followers on Twitter | Social Media Today Helpful tips for understanding Twitter culture and the dynamics of why people follow and unfollow others. Best tip: "The ideal Twitter profile should consist of about 30% conversational @replies, 30% retweets and 40% interesting broadcast tweets, hopefully with an opinion or link, of which only about 25% (10% of total tweets) are self-promotional. This tells me that a) you’re trying to add value, b) you’re reading others’ content, and c) you’re conversing and aren’t all “me, me, me”. It’s worth noting that all @reply conversation can be as bad as all broadcast, so try and stay balanced." (tags: Twitter social_media)
Six Ways to Avoid Letting Your Computer Distract You - ProfHacker - The Chronicle of Higher Education Clever collection of free or inexpensive software applications to help you focus and not be distracted by email, social media, surfing favorite web sites, etc. They are designed to help you stay focused on your writing. (tags: apps writing_applications computer_distractions)
Top 10 web sites for mind mapping and brainstorming Great collection of free web sites for students and teachers to create mind maps and brainstorm ideas.(tags: apps instructional_technology mind_mapping brainstorming)
Top 10 web sites for creating music Nice collection of web sites for students and teachers to create mu ic. Most of the sites provide the music clips that can be arranged to create the music. (tags: apps music_creation instructional_technology)
Ten online sites for creating timelines Nice collection of web sites for creating timelines for use by students and teachers. (tags: apps timeline instructional_technology)